The forgotten tale of spontaneous plateau pressure

Abhijeet Anand


Anand A. The forgotten tale of spontaneous plateau pressure. J Mech Vent 2023; 4(3):115-118.




This article highlights the significance of measuring plateau pressure in spontaneously breathing patients as it provides valuable information about PMI (Pmusc Index), which serves as a surrogate for the patient’s efforts during mechanical ventilation.

The PMI value obtained from the difference between the end-inspiratory occlusion plateau pressure and the airway pressure before the occlusion (PEEP + PS) enables clinicians to estimate the patient’s inspiratory effort accurately.

The accurate measurement of patient efforts is crucial in optimizing pressure support during lung protective weaning strategies. By titrating pressure support based on PMI values, clinicians can provide personalized care to patients, reducing the risk of ventilator-induced lung injury and enhancing the likelihood of successful weaning.


PMI, Pmus, Plateau pressure


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