The Journal of Mechanical Ventilation (JMV) is the first and only online journal solely dedicated to the research and science of mechanical ventilation.
We are nonprofit, privately owned and funded journal with the mission of creating a free journal for everyone including authors, researchers, clinicians, caregivers, and patients. We do not believe that researchers should pay large sum of money plus their efforts to get their research published.
We are currently indexed in Crossref, Zenodo, OpenAIRE, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Mendley, Portico, WorldCat. Index Copernicus, and OJS/PKI.
We publish a variety of original research, case reports, reviews, editorials, letters, images that enhance our knowledge and understanding of mechanical ventilation.
If you would like to contribute as a peer reviewer or be part of our editorial team, please contact us.
Our journal is free to submit, free to access for everyone with no publication fees.
We do not allow advertising in the journal to avoid any risk of bias
As we continue to grow, we sincerely thank you for your support of the journal and looking forward to receiving your comments and feedback.
Our logo

Our logo has many meanings linked to our Journal
The triangle with horizontal intersecting line
represent the alchemy sign for air representing
The triangle or pyramid shape is the strongest
geometrical shape representing promoting safety of
the technology
The Eagle represent freedom or liberation from
mechanical ventilation