Ehab G. Daoud
Daoud EG. Pioneers in Mechanical Ventilation: Björn Jonson. J Mech Vent 2022; 3(2):73-81.
In this article, we highlight one of the pioneers of mechanical ventilation. Dr Björn Jonson is a physiologist, physician and currently a Professor Emeritus at Lund University in Sweden. He has spent the last sixty years of his life dedicated to research and inventions in the fields of respiratory failure and mechanical ventilation.
With several devices invented, more than fifteen patents, more than 200 published articles and concepts, Dr. Jonson’s work has changed and revolutionized the way we understand the science of respiratory failure, and the way we practice and monitor mechanical ventilation today. More importantly, are the countless lives of patients saved all over the world because of his contribution.
Flow regulators, Servo Ventilator, Capnography
1. Neoshero. This is Björn Jonsson, who invented the modern ventilator for which he has never received a price or even a Wikipedia page [Online forum post]. Reddit. |
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55. Jonson B. Volumetric capnography for noninvasive monitoring of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2018; 198(3):396-398. PMid:29570350 |